Category: Corruption

Artificial Heatwave: Temperature soar as green shields smartly burnt-out for development


As extreme climate tests power grids which is leading to water and electricity shortages, experts blame late coming western disturbances - nature's extra-tropical weather systems formed over the Mediterranean Sea

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Handsome deals for DLF & Co in Gurgaon land auction


State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation did not reply to written and detailed queries, some media entities claimed. Neither will any future governments and sarkari babus ever like to comment

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SEBI bars DLF executives from markets for some time?


Protection to some small investors. Fractional ownership typically refers to small investment holdings of real estate assets?

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Virtual offices – real option for start-ups or perfect dens for fly-by-night operators?


Some claim that virtual offices have emerged as a real option for start-ups (mostly Internet driven ideas) because of rocketing real estate prices in India’s commercial hubs. They use the

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Rain is falling

Delhi NCR flood on innocents – just nature’s revenge or winter bonus for Metropolis contractors?


We cannot nuke the natural disasters or climatic mutations but we can arm ourselves with universal wisdom, either to really help those in need / suffering or outlay investments for

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Can’t smart cities of future be ruled by old cronies in new forms?


The generations that will come next will evaluate and experience real development, currently it sounds like all policies and promos are directed to inject a positive-hype among vulnerable masses so

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Affordable Housing to benefit small home buyers or just builders, babus and banks?


As the government’s entire housing program is based on shifting the burden away from banks, why should banks negotiate instead of looting and fooling home owners?

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Feku media strategiests mating cronies – ready to welcome new species!


How far are we from business of fishy “paid votes” – just tap 0 on a spiritual gadget and get return vesta gifts tipped with ladoo bhog, perfectly religious bribe

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Political patronage for forest invasion is lucrative business!


Deforestation has its social influence on indigenous communities as it certainly leads to a change or shift in their culture and tradition. The cultural and religious aspects of local people

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Investment in Property, Chit / Bet Funds or Stock? First analyze your advisor!


Keep aside the financial jargons; stock, bet or chit fund investments are no more than a "glorified version of traditional gambling".

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Beware of fraud Real Estate Companies, Consultants & Listing Portals


There are emerging real estate destinations, invest very carefully to reap real benefits.

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App video-calling: Why not to use any such AI gimmick on so-called smart gadgets?


This includes AI extrapolation of stolen private data on heat map dashboards, sucked and dumped via ML interception of all electronically transmitted information on Internet – banking, mobile apps, social

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